The gas flows through the inlet connection towards the filter body where the velocity is reduced. As a result, solid particles of large dimensions are separated from the gas and accumulate at the bottom of the vessel from where they can be purged periodically via the purge connection. Then the gas flows from outside to inside through the filter element which retains the residual solid particles (depending on the cartridge mesh filtration accuracy).The clean gas flows further towards the filter outlet.
As the dust-laden gas enters the filter, heavy particles - such as rust, scale, etc. drop out of the gas stream. The gas then rises at low velocity and flows through a filter element. as the gas flows from the exterior to the interior of the filter cartridge. Dirt and dust particles are trapped in the cartridge material. The clean gas then flows through the filter element tube and down the inside of the drilled support tube to the gas outlet.
• Efficient separation of the bulk liquid phase.
• Prevent droplet shattering and re-entrainment of bulk liquid phase