The Filter Separator is two-stage separation unit intended to collect and eliminate liquid and / or solid contaminants existent in the gas flow during operation. The first stage consists of filter-coalescer cartridges and the second stage consists of vane packs through which the natural gas flows in sequence. Filter separators are available in horizontal and vertical orientations have been used on refineries and gas transmission industries for more than fifteen years. The filter separator provides maximum liquid and solid removal at low saturated pressure drop to reduce maintenance and operation costs associated with contaminated gas. The filter separator is rated 3µm (98% removal efficiency) for solid particles and produces downstream liquid aerosol concentration as low as 0.1 Gallon per thousand standard cubic feet(MSCF) .This type of separator is often used for solids and liquid removal in relatively low liquid loading applications.
The mist laden gas passes through the parallel vane plates and is forced to change direction several times. As the gas changes direction, inertia or momentum maintains the straight flow path of the liquid droplets and determines some droplets to strike adjacent vanes. There, they are held by surface forces and coalesce with other droplets. The agglomerated liquid drains down vane surface to sump while the clean gas exits the outlet nozzle.